Exploring Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a Turkish Visa from India

apply evisa turkey
12 min readJun 12, 2024


Turkey, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, has always been a top destination for travelers worldwide. From the bustling streets of Istanbul to the ancient ruins of Ephesus, there’s something to captivate every traveler’s heart. If you’re an Indian traveler dreaming of experiencing the beauty of Turkey, you’ll need to start with the essential step of obtaining a Turkish visa. Let’s delve into everything you need to know about applying for a Turkish visa from India.

Understanding the Turkish Visa Process:

Before embarking on your journey to Turkey, it’s crucial to understand the visa requirements and application process. Indian citizens are required to obtain a visa prior to their arrival in Turkey. Fortunately, the Turkish government has streamlined the visa application process, making it relatively straightforward for Indian travelers.

Types of Turkish Visas:

Turkey offers various types of visas depending on the purpose of your visit. The most common types include tourist visas, business visas, and student visas. For most travelers visiting Turkey for leisure purposes, the tourist visa is the appropriate choice.

Applying for a Turkish Visa from India:

There are two primary methods for Indian travelers to apply for a Turkish visa: through the Turkish Embassy/Consulate or via the e-Visa system.

Embassy/Consulate Application:

  • Visit the official website of the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in India to download the visa application form.
  • Fill out the application form accurately and submit it along with the required documents, including your passport, passport-sized photographs, proof of travel arrangements, and proof of accommodation in Turkey.
  • Pay the applicable visa fee and wait for your visa to be processed. Processing times may vary, so it’s advisable to apply well in advance of your intended travel date.

e-Visa Application:

  • The e-Visa system allows Indian travelers to apply for a Turkish visa online, eliminating the need to visit the Embassy or Consulate.
  • Visit the official website of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs e-Visa application system.
  • Fill out the online application form with your personal details, passport information, and travel itinerary.
  • Upload scanned copies of the required documents, including your passport and a recent photograph.
  • Pay the visa fee online using a credit or debit card.
  • Once your e-Visa application is submitted and approved, you will receive your e-Visa via email. Print out a copy of the e-Visa to present upon arrival in Turkey.

Tips for a Smooth Visa Application Process:

  • Ensure that all information provided in your visa application is accurate and matches the details in your passport.
  • Double-check the requirements and documents needed for your specific type of visa to avoid delays or complications.
  • Apply for your Turkish visa well in advance of your planned travel dates to allow for processing time.
  • Keep a copy of your visa and other travel documents with you during your journey.

Here are 10 more interesting facts about various aspects of Turkey:

  1. Troy: Located in northwestern Turkey, Troy is an ancient city with archaeological remains dating back over 4,000 years. It’s famous for the Trojan War in Greek mythology and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  2. Turkish Riviera: Also known as the Turquoise Coast, the Turkish Riviera stretches along the southwestern coast of Turkey. It’s renowned for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque towns like Kas and Fethiye.
  3. Turkish Baths (Hamams): Hamams are traditional Turkish baths that date back to Ottoman times. They’re not just for bathing but also for socializing and relaxation. Many historic hamams still operate in cities like Istanbul and Ankara.
  4. Mount Nemrut: Located in southeastern Turkey, Mount Nemrut is home to the ancient Commagene Kingdom’s tomb sanctuary. It features colossal statues and reliefs built by King Antiochus I in the 1st century BC, offering stunning sunrise views.
  5. Lycian Way: The Lycian Way is a long-distance hiking trail along Turkey’s Mediterranean coast. It stretches over 500 kilometers (310 miles), passing through ancient Lycian cities, rugged coastline, and beautiful landscapes.
  6. Göbekli Tepe: Located near Şanlıurfa in southeastern Turkey, Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site dating back over 11,000 years. It’s considered one of the oldest known religious structures, predating Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids.
  7. Mediterranean Cuisine: Turkish cuisine is diverse and influenced by many cultures. Along the Mediterranean coast, seafood dishes like grilled fish and mezes (appetizers) are popular, along with olive oil-based dishes and fresh vegetables.
  8. Lake Van: Lake Van, located in eastern Turkey, is the largest lake in the country and one of the largest alkaline lakes in the world. It’s famous for its unique ecosystem and historical sites like Akdamar Island with its Armenian church.
  9. Ephesus: An ancient Greek city on the coast of Ionia, Ephesus is famous for its well-preserved ruins, including the Library of Celsus and the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
  10. Zeugma Mosaics: Zeugma, an ancient city on the Euphrates River, is renowned for its Roman mosaics. These intricate artworks depict scenes from mythology, daily life, and historical events and are displayed in the Gaziantep Museum of Archaeology.

Can Indians Apply for e-Visa for Turkey

Yes, Indian citizens can apply for an e-Visa to enter Turkey. The e-Visa system allows Indian nationals to obtain their visa electronically without visiting a Turkish embassy or consulate. The process is straightforward and can be completed online, making it convenient for travelers. Once approved, the e-Visa allows Indians to stay in Turkey for tourism or business purposes for up to 30 days within a 180-day period.

Apply Turkey e-Visa Online

Applying for a Turkey e-Visa online is a simple process. Applicants need to visit the official Turkish e-Visa website, fill out the necessary information, including personal details and travel information, and pay the visa fee using a credit or debit card. The application typically takes only a few minutes, and once submitted, applicants usually receive their e-Visa via email within 24 hours. This electronic system streamlines the visa application process, making it accessible and efficient for travelers worldwide.

Who Can Get an e-Visa for Turkey

The Turkish e-Visa is available to citizens of over 100 countries. Eligibility for the e-Visa depends on the traveler’s nationality and the purpose of their visit, typically for tourism or business. Countries whose citizens are eligible for an e-Visa include the United States, Canada, Australia, India, and many European nations. The specific requirements and eligibility criteria can vary, so it is recommended to check the official Turkish e-Visa website for the most current information.

How to Apply e-Visa Turkey

To apply for a Turkey e-Visa, travelers must visit the official Turkish e-Visa portal. The application process involves providing personal information such as name, passport details, and travel dates. Applicants must also answer security questions and pay the visa fee online. After submitting the application, the e-Visa is usually processed within 24 hours and sent to the applicant’s email. It’s important to print out a copy of the e-Visa to present upon arrival in Turkey.

Turkey e-Visa Application Official Website

The official website for the Turkey e-Visa application is www.evisa.gov.tr. This site is the authorized portal for submitting e-Visa applications. It provides detailed information on the application process, eligibility requirements, and fees. The website is user-friendly, available in multiple languages, and offers a secure platform for processing payments and storing applicant data.

Turkey e-Visa Reddit

On Reddit, the Turkey e-Visa process is a frequently discussed topic among travelers. Users share their experiences, offer tips, and provide updates on the application process. This community-driven platform is valuable for getting real-time advice and learning about any potential issues or recent changes in the e-Visa application procedure. Reddit can be an excellent resource for first-time applicants looking for peer-reviewed guidance and support.

UAE Residents Turkey Visa

Residents of the UAE can apply for a Turkey e-Visa, provided they hold a valid residency permit. The application process is similar to that for other eligible nationalities and can be completed online through the official e-Visa portal. UAE residents must ensure their residency permit is valid for at least six months from the date of entry into Turkey. Once approved, the e-Visa allows them to stay in Turkey for up to 90 days within a 180-day period for tourism or business purposes.

How to Get Turkey Visa

To get a visa for Turkey, travelers must determine whether they are eligible for an e-Visa or need to apply through a Turkish consulate. If eligible for an e-Visa, they can complete the online application on the official e-Visa website. For those requiring a traditional visa, the application involves submitting documents, such as a completed visa form, passport, photographs, and proof of travel arrangements, to the nearest Turkish embassy or consulate. It’s essential to apply well in advance of the planned travel date to ensure timely processing.

Official Site for Turkey e-Visa

The official site for obtaining a Turkey e-Visa is www.evisa.gov.tr. This government-run website is the only authorized platform for e-Visa applications. It offers comprehensive information on visa requirements, the application process, and fee structures. The site ensures secure handling of applicant information and payment details, providing a reliable and official channel for obtaining a Turkey e-Visa.

Apply for Visa to Turkey from Lebanon

Lebanese citizens can apply for a visa to Turkey online through the official e-Visa portal if eligible, or through the Turkish embassy if a traditional visa is required. The e-Visa process involves completing an online application and paying the visa fee. For a traditional visa, applicants must submit required documents such as a completed application form, passport, photographs, and proof of travel arrangements to the Turkish consulate. It’s advisable to check the latest requirements and apply well in advance of the intended travel date.

In Conclusion:

Applying for a Turkish visa from India is a relatively straightforward process, whether through the Embassy/Consulate or the convenient e-Visa system. By following the guidelines outlined above and preparing your documents diligently, you’ll be one step closer to embarking on an unforgettable journey to the enchanting land of Turkey. So, pack your bags, set your sights on Turkey, and get ready to experience a world of wonders waiting to be explored!

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eVisaForm.us: Simplifying visa applications for travelers worldwide.